english Info

1.-3.october 2010, Czech Republic, Prague, Train Station Praha Smichov

Bytefest is an annual meeting of the fans and users of various vintage computers,
located in Prague, Czech Republic.
It originally started as Nostalgia party and changed the date and place several times.
For the last few years it has been taking place in the Smichov Train Station during
the first week of October. Therefore, this year's date is October 1-3th.

The visitors come mainly from the Czech Republic
but we have had some even from Germany and Rumania.

The platforms you can see on the partyplace include, but are not limited to:
Apple, Atari XL/XE, ST, TT, Falcon, 2600, 7800, Portfolio, Lynx, Jaguar, QL,
Pegasos, Commodore 64, 128, Plus/4, 16, Sinclair ZX 81, Spectrum, Amiga,
Didaktik, Sam Coupe, Sharp MZ, Sord M5, MSX, PMD 85, Consul 2717,
Amstrad/Schneider CPC, Enterprise 64/128, Matra Alice, Nintendo 64,
NES, Famicom, SNES, Gameboy, Philips Videopac, Sega Master System,
Mega Drive, Vectrex, TI calculators and others.

The partyplace is known for its good location not far from the city center,
excellent transportation - subway, train (after all, it is a train station :)),
separate sleeping room (new feature), increased security (built-in police station :))
and a real pinball machine in the bar downstairs.

The photos from the last year's Bytefest can be found HERE

Here is the MAP of the location.
Loc: 50°3'37.187"N, 14°24'33.938"E
Those of you driving a car keep in mind that you can enter the parking lot
only from the Strakonicka street through Moulikova and Nadrazni streets - PHOTO

How to get to Prague?
Besides driving a car you can take a TRAIN or a BUS.

If you have any question feel free to send an e-mail to Pepax _A_T_ yahoo _D_O_T_ com




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